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-====== Calculate Map ====== 
-===== Description ===== 
-This container calculates a map using algebraic/​logical expression involving maps, tables and values. 
-===== Inputs ===== 
-^ Name       ^ Type                                         ^ Description ​                                                      ^ 
-| Expression | [[Image Expression Type | Image Expression]] | Algebraic or logical expression used to calculate the output map. | 
-===== Optional Inputs ===== 
-^ Name             ^ Type                           ^ Description ​                                                                                                                                                                          ^ Default Value         ^ 
-| Cell Type        | [[Cell Type Type | Cell Type]] | Data cell type                                                                                                                                                                        | Signed 32 Bit Integer | 
-| Null Value       | [[Int Type | Int]]             | Null value                                                                                                                                                                            | -2147483648 ​          | 
-| Result Is Sparse | [[Bool Type | Bool]] ​          | If true, the resulting map is created as a sparse image. Sparse images have the advantage of storing only the cells containing non-null values, but they have diminished access time. | False                 | 
-===== Outputs ===== 
-^ Name   ^ Type               ^ Description ^ 
-| Result | [[Map Type | Map]] | Output map. | 
-===== Group ===== 
-[[Functor List#Map Algebra | Map Algebra]] 
-===== Notes ===== 
-The expression result is calculated as a real value and converted to the data cell type of the output map. 
-If the calculation of the expression diverges or if the data cell type is not large enough, the corresponding cell is filled with the null value. 
-List of mathematical and logical operators that can be employed in the logic/​algebraic expression. 
-==== General Operators ==== 
-^ Precedence ^ Operator ^ Description ^ Symbol ^ Usage Example ^ 
-| 1 | Conditional | Execute the second or third term of the equation conditionally to the first | if@@@then@@@else | if not isNull(i1) and isNull(i2) then \\ @@@@@@i3 \\ else if isNull(i1) then \\ @@@@@@i1 – i1 / i2 \\ else  (i1 / i2) ? (i1 – i2) | 
-| 2 | Boolean Or | | or \\ <​nowiki>​||</​nowiki>​ | not isNull(i1) or isNull(i2) \\ not isNull(i1) <​nowiki>​||</​nowiki>​ isNull(i2) | 
-| ::: | Boolean And | | and \\ && | not isNull(i1) and isNull(i2) \\ not isNull(i1) && isNull(i2) | 
-| 3 | Equal | | = \\ == | i1 = 2 \\ i1 == 2 | 
-| ::: | Not Equal | | != \\ /= \\ <> | i1 != 2 \\ i1 /= 2 \\ i1 <> 2 | 
-| 4 | Greater Than | | > | i1 > 2 | 
-| ::: | Greater Than Or Equal | | >= | i1 >= 2 | 
-| ::: | Less Than | | < | i1 < i2 | 
-| ::: | Less Than Or Equal | | <​nowiki><​=</​nowiki>​ | i1 <​nowiki><​=</​nowiki>​ i2 | 
-| 5 | Add | | + | i1 + i2 | 
-| ::: | Subtract | | – | i1 – i1 / i2 | 
-| 6 | Times | | * | i1 * i2 | 
-| ::: | Divide | | / | i1 / i2 | 
-| ::: | Mod | | % | i1 % 100 | 
-| 7 | Power | | <​nowiki>​^</​nowiki>​ | i1 <​nowiki>​^</​nowiki>​ 3 | 
-| 8 | Catch Error | Catch an algebraic error and replace it with the result of another expression | ? | (i1 / i2) ? (i1 – i2) | 
-| 9 | Boolean Not | | ! \\ not | not isNull(i1) \\ ! isNull(i1) |  
-| ::: | Negate | | – | – ceil(i1 + i2) | 
-==== General Functions ==== 
-^ Operator ^ Description ^ Symbol ^ Usage Example ^ 
-| Value | | | 2 + i1 / -3.5e-2 | 
-| Random | Generate a random value using the uniform probability distribution | rand | if rand > 0.5 then 1 else i2 |  
-| Squared Root | | sqrt() | sqrt(i1 / i4) | 
-| Sin | Sin (input in radians) | sin() | sin(i1 / i4) | 
-| Cos | Cos (input in radians) | cos() | cos(i1 + i2) | 
-| Tan | Tan (input in radians) | tan() | tan(i1 * i5 + 6) | 
-| Acos | Acos (output in radians) | acos() | acos(i1 + i2) | 
-| Asin | Asin (output in radians) | asin() | asin(i1 + i2) | 
-| Atan | Atan (output in radians) | atan() | atan(i1 + i2) | 
-| Ceil | | ceil() | ceil(i1 + i2) | 
-| Exp | | exp() | exp(i1[i1 + i2]) | 
-| Floor | | floor() | floor(i1 + i2) | 
-| Round | | round() | round(i1 / i4) | 
-| Abs | | abs() | abs(i1 + i2) | 
-| Ln | | ln() | ln(i1 / i4) | 
-| Log | | log() | log(i1 / i4) | 
-| Max | | max() | max(i1, i2) | 
-| Min | | min() | min(i1, i4) | 
-| Signal | Return +1, if the expression is positive, -1, if it is negative, and 0, otherwise. | signal() | signal(i1 - 4) | 
-| Abort | Abort the model execution | abort | if i1 > 0 then i1 * i2 + 4 else abort | 
-==== Value Operators ==== 
-^ Operator ^ Description ^ Symbol ^ Usage Example ^ 
-| Get Variable Value | Return the variable value | vX \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | v1 + t1[v2 + 4] | 
-==== Image Operators and Functions ==== 
-^ Operator ^ Description ^ Symbol ^ Usage Example ^ 
-| Get Image Value | Return the image value at the current cell | iX \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | i2 | 
-| Get Image Value At Location | Return the image value on the specified cell coordinate | iX[ , ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | i1[line – 1, column – 2] | 
-| Get Image Null Value | Return the null value of the current image | null \\ null(iX) | if i1 > 2 then i1 else null \\ if null(i2) > 2 then 1 else null | 
-| Is Null | | isNull(iX) \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | if not isNull(i1) then i1 else i2 | 
-| Get Line Number | Return the line number of the current cell | line | line + 1 | 
-| Get Column Number | Return the column number of the current cell | column | if column / 2 > 50 then 1 else null |  
-==== Table Operators ==== 
-Table operators return the value corresponding to a given key according to a rule-operator. ​ 
-It uses the following syntax: tX[N ] \\ where: X is a table identifier; N is the rule-operator. ​ 
-^ Operator ^ Description ^ Symbol ^ Usage Example ^ 
-| Get Table Value | Return the table value in the X key position of the table | tX[ ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[i1 + 2] | 
-| Get Table Equal Lower Bound Value | Return the table value in the greater key less than or equal to the X key position of the table. | tX[<​nowiki><​=</​nowiki>​ ] \\ tX{ } \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | 2[<​nowiki><​=</​nowiki>​ 14] \\ t2{14} | 
-| Get Table Lower Bound Value | Return the table value in the greater key less than the X key position of the table. | tX[< ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[< i1 + 2] | 
-| Get Table Equal Upper Bound Value | Return the table value in the lesser key greater than or equal to the X key position of the table. | tX[>= ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[>= i1 + i3]= | 
-| Get Table Upper Bound Value | Return the table value in the lesser key greater than the X key position of the table. | tX[> ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[> i7] | 
-| Get Table Closest Value | Return the table value in the key closest to the X key position of the table. | tX[>< ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[>< 3 + i7] | 
-| Get Table Interpoled Value | Return a linear interpoled value drawn through the neighbor keys of the X key position of the table. | tX[/ ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[/ i2] | 
-| Test Table Key | Return 1, if expression corresponds to a key stored in the table, and 0, otherwise. | tX[? ] \\ tX[=? ] \\ tX[==? ] \\ where X is an integer value from 1 to 100 | t2[? i2] \\ t2[=? i2] |  
-==== Image Neighborhood Functions ==== 
-Neighborhood operators return the value of an operation within a defined neighborhood window. ​ 
-It uses the following syntax: nbN(iX, h, w, y, x) \\ where: N is the operator name; X is an image identifier; h is the number of window lines; w is the number of window columns; y is the line where the window center is anchored at the image; x is the column where the window center is anchored at the image. 
-The calculation usually includes the center of the window. 
-Even-sided windows have the center displaced toward the top left corner. 
-The window anchor (y and x) can be omitted when the window center is anchored at the current line and column. The shortened syntax is: nbN(iX, h, w) 
-^ Operator ^ Description ^ Symbol ^ Usage Example ^ 
-| Min | Returns the minimum value of the neighbor non-null cells. | nbMin() | nbMin(i4, 2, 3, line-1, column) | 
-| Max | Returns the maximum value of the neighbor non-null cells. | nbMax() | nbMax(i1, 4, 4) - 1 | 
-| Sum | Returns the sum of the neighbor non-null cells. | nbSum() | nbSum(i3, 5, 5) + 7 | 
-| Product | Returns the product of the neighbor non-null cells. | nbProd() | if not isNull(i1) then nbProd(i1, 2, 2, 0, column) else 0 | 
-| Count | Returns the number of neighbor non-null cells. | nbCount() | nbCount(i2, 3, 3) + nbCount(i1, 3, 3, line, column+3) | 
-| Average | Returns the arithmetic mean of the neighbor non-null cells. | nbAverage() | round(nbAverage(i1,​ 7, 7)) | 
-| Median | Returns the median value of the neighbor non-null cells. For an even number of values, the greater of the two median values is returned. | nbMedian() | nbMedian(i1,​ 5, 5) |  
-| Mode | Returns the mode of the neighbor non-null cells. If a mode does not exist, null is returned. If there is more than one, the lesser one is returned. | nbMode() | nbMode(i1, 5, 5) | 
-| Variance | Returns the variance of the values of the neighbor non-null cells according to the expression: \\ <m 10>​sigma^2 ​ = {1/​{n-1}}sum{i=1}{n}{(x_i-X)^2}</​m>​ \\ where x<​sub>​1</​sub>,​ x<​sub>​2</​sub>,​ ..., x<​sub>​i</​sub>​ are the neighbor cells; X is the mean of the neighbor cells. | nbVar() | nbVar(i4, 7, 7) / 25 | 
-| Standard Deviation | Returns the standard deviation of the neighbor non-null cells according to the expression: \\ <m 8>sigma = sqrt{{1/​{n-1}}sum{i=1}{n}{(x_i-X)^2}}</​m>​ \\ where x<​sub>​1</​sub>,​ x<​sub>​2</​sub>,​ ..., x<​sub>​i</​sub>​ are the neighbor cells; X is the mean of the neighbor cells. | nbStdDev() | nbStdDev(i2,​ 3, 3, line-1, column) + nbStdDev(i2,​ 3, 3) + nbStdDev(i2,​ 3, 3, line+1, column) | 
-===== Internal Name ===== 