====== Extract Values To Points ====== ===== Description ===== This functor extract values by raster files to points. ===== Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Input Table | [[csv file | csv file]] | Csv tabe with points (colunms x and y) | | Raster Folder | [[Map Type | Map Type]] | Folder with raster files (variables) | | Output Table | [[csv file | csv file]] | Filename of output table | | Raster Format | [[Real Value Type | Real Value Type]] | Choose raster format: 1 - tif; 2 - asc | ===== Outputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Table | [[Table | Table]] | Table with values of extraction | ===== Group ===== [[BioDinamica | BioDinamica]] ===== Internal Name ===== BioDinamica