====== Get Minimum Necessary Cell Type ====== ===== Description ===== Get the minimum cell type value big enough to represent values in the given bounds. ===== Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Minimum Value | [[Real Value Type]] | Minimum value that will be stored in the target map. | | Minimum Value | [[Real Value Type]] | Maximum value that will be stored in the target map. | ===== Optional Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ | Force Floating Point Cell Type | [[Boolean Value Type]] | If true, the output will always be a floating point cell type even if the given limits are not fractional numbers. | No | ===== Output ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Necessary Cell Type | [[Cell Type Type]] | The minimum cell type big enough to represent of values between the given bounds. | ===== Notes ===== ===== Group ===== [[Functor List#Development | Development]] ===== Internal Name ===== GetMinimumNecessaryCellType