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Allocate Transition


Performs transition allocation on a landscape map using Expander and Patcher according to a transition matrix specifying the net rates, a probability map and other parameters defining patch geometry.


Name Type Description
Lanscape Categorical Map The initial landscape map.
Probabilities Map The map defining the probability of occurrence of each transition.
Transition Matrix Transition Matrix The matrix defining the net rate of each transition.
Percent of Transitions By Expansion Percent Matrix This matrix defines the percentage of total transitions performed by expansion of existent patches (using Expander operator). The complement of this matrix defines the percentage of transitions performed by generation of new patches (using Patcher operator).
Patch Expansion Parameters Transition Function Parameter Matrix The parameters used to expand existent patches. The parameters are used by Expander operator.
Patch Generation Parameters Transition Function Parameter Matrix The parameters used to generate new patches. These parameters are used by Patcher operator.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Print Transition Info Bool If true, print allocation info on the application console. This is useful to help identify problems in the transition rates and probability maps. No


Name Type Description
Resulting Lanscape Categorical Map The resulting landscape map.



Internal Name
