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Assign Map Categories


This functor assigns a set of categories to a map. The functor also allows combination or replacement of the existing map categories with a given set of categories.


Name Type Description
Input Map Map Type The map that receives the new categories.
Input Categories Categorization Type Categorization set (classes) to be assigned to the input map.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Combine Categories Boolean Value Type If true, the functor will combine the categories of the input map with the given category set. Otherwise, the categories in the input map will be replaced by the given category set. False


Name Type Description
Output Map Map Type A copy of the input map with a new categorization.



When “Combine Categories” is set, the functor combines the category sets, one from the input port and other from the input map. The main one is that passed as a parameter, thus, if both have an identical name or value, the category from the map will be replaced with the new one.

Internal Name
