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Calculate Categorical Map


This container calculates a categorical map using algebraic/logical expression involving maps, tables and values.


Name Type Description
Expression Image Expression Algebraic or logical expression used to calculate the output map.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Cell Type Cell Type Data cell type Signed 32 Bit Integer
Null Value Null Value Null value Default1)
Result Is Sparse Bool If true, the resulting map is created as a sparse image. Sparse images have the advantage of storing only the cells containing non-null values, but they have diminished access time. False


Name Type Description
Result Categorical Map Output map of classes or categories



The expression result is calculated as a real value and converted to the data cell type of the output map.

If the calculation of the expression diverges or if the data cell type is not large enough, the corresponding cell is filled with the null value.

The list of mathematical and logical operators that can be employed in the logic/algebraic expression can be found in the image expression reference.

The maps used by the “Calculate Categorical Map” must be provided by a corresponding Number Map, the tables must be provided by a corresponding Number Table and the values must be provided by a corresponding Number Value.

Internal Name


Based on the value of the Cell Type input.