====== Intensity Analysis ====== Intensity Analysis measures the degree to which changes among categories are non-uniform at three levels: interval, category, and transition. ==== Main website of intensity analysis: ==== [[https://sites.google.com/site/intensityanalysis/|Intensity Analysis Website]] ==== Main characteristics: ==== * The categories must be identical at all time points. * Aldwaik and Pontius (2012) describe Intensity Analysis while ignoring possible error in the data. * Aldwaik and Pontius (2013) describe Intensity Analysis while considering hypothetical data error that could account for deviations from uniform intensities. ==== References: ==== - Aldwaik, S. Z. and Pontius Jr, R. G., 2012. Intensity Analysis to Unify Measurements of Size and Stationarity of Land Changes by Interval, Category, and Transition. Landscape and Urban Planning, 106, 103-114. - Aldwaik, S. Z. and R. G. Pontius Jr, 2013 Map errors that could account for deviations from a uniform intensity of land change. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. ==== Resources: ==== [[http://dinamicaego.com_utils/download/files/intensityAnalysis_resources.zip|Download Intensity Analysis example with model and submodel]]