====== Post Slack Message ====== ===== Description ===== Posts a message on a Slack workspace. For example, this can be used to inform about the progress of a model that might take many hours to run. ===== Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Message | [[String Type]] | Message that will be posted on the slack channel. The message may include multiple lines of text. | | Channel | [[String Type]] | Slack channel where the message will be posted. Must start with a an "#". Ex: "#experimental". The channel must exist on the Slack workspace or the message will be ignored. | | Slack Webhook | [[String Type]] | URL of the corresponding Slack workspace webhook. This URL should be enabled for the Slack service before using it. Ex: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxx/yyyyy/zzzzzz" | ===== Optional Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ | Username | [[String Type]] | Username of the user posting the message. This username does not have to be a real user name. The name can include spaces and hyphens. Ex: "Dinamica EGO - Model". | Dinamica EGO | ===== Output ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Always True | [[Boolean Value Type]] | Used to facilitate chaining this submodel to other functors. Explicitly chaining functors simplify the definition of a custom execution order among them. | ===== Notes ===== This submodel uses the [[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/curl/index.html|R package "curl"]] to post a message to an [[https://slack.com/|Slack channel]] specified. In order to work with Slack, the submodels asks for the definition of an "incoming webhook" used to allow the communication between external applications and a Slack workspace. More information about how to create a webhook once you have created a slack channel can be found [[https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/incoming-webhooks|here]]. As an additional constraints, the model using the submodel as part of its definition must be executed using a [[http://dinamicaego.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=reference_book:r_coupling#calculate_r_expression|custom R interpreter]], since the R script will automatically download and install the package "curl" if necessary. If downloading and installing the package is not possible, the submodel execution will have no effect. ===== Group ===== [[Functor List#Slack | Slack]] ===== Internal Name ===== PostSlackMessage