====== Raster Cube ====== ===== What is ===== In Dinamica EGO, a raster cube map is a multilayer image created putting together several other images. ===== The Model ===== [{{ :create_raster_cube.png?nolink& |The model used to create raster cubes}}] The model is formed using [[Load Map]]'s, a [[Create Cube Map]] and a [[Save Map]]. Each [[Load Map]]'s are bound to the [[Create Cube Map]] using a corresponding [[Name and Number Map]]. All maps bound to the [[Create Cube Map]] must use the same projection, registration coordinates and have the same number of lines and columns. It is also important to note that all maps will be converted to the same [[cell_type_type|cell type]] specified in the [[Create Cube Map]] functor. Thus, it is important to choose an output [[cell type type|cell type]] big enough to accommodate all input maps without distorting their representation. The corresponding model can be downloaded from [[http://dinamicaego.com_utils/download/files/create-raster-cube.ego|here]].