Table of Contents

Calc Areas


This functor calculates the area of each source feature.


Name Type Description
Categorical Map Categorical Map Map containing classes or categories.


Name Type Description
Areas Table Area of each map category in cells, hectares and square meters.


Map Algebra


Only the areas corresponding to class or categories defined in the input map header are calculated.

If the cell dimensions are represented using degrees, the areas in hectares and square meters becomes an approximation. All cells are always supposed to be of the same size.

The table containing the resulting area has the following format.

Column Name Key or Data? Column Type Description
“Category” Key Real Category in the feature map
“Area_In_Cells” Data Real Area of corresponding category in cells
“Area_In_Hectares” Data Real Area of corresponding category in hectares
“Area_In_Square_Meters” Data Real Area of corresponding category in square meters

Internal Name
