Table of Contents

Calc Pathway Map


This functor calculates the shortest pathway between a feature or selected cell and an existing network of features.


Name Type Description
Network Categorical Map Type Map of network of features. Non-null value cells represent features. If null cell value is not defined, an error will be reported.
Source Map Type Source feature map from which pathways are calculated. Non-null value cells represent features. If null cell value is not defined, an error will be reported.
Cost Map Type Accumulated cost surface calculated from a feature network. Values equal to or less than zero represent an existing feature network.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Use Lottery Boolean Value Type If there is more than one choice to reach the source feature. Dinamica chooses randomly between both equal value options. False
Merge Networks Boolean Value Type If defined, the functor returns the initial network merged with the new pathways. Otherwise, only the new pathways are returned. true


Name Type Description
Network Categorical Map Map with a feature network updated. Output map format has the same dimensions of the input network map.


Map Algebra


Ignores cells with values equal or lesser than 0.

This calculation will inform an error if it finds a local minimum on the cost map.

Example calculating the least costly path for road construction.

Internal Name
