Table of Contents

Extract Map Values


This functor extracts map values and geographic coordinates and stores them in lookup tables.


Name Type Description
Map Map Type The input map.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
keys Type Boolean Value Type
include Null Values Boolean Value Type If true, the null values will be included into output table.


Name Type Description
Cells Table Type The resulting table containing the corresponding values and coordinates. The table has columns “Id” (key corresponding to a unique identifier), “Value” (cell value), “Line” and “Column” (corresponding to the cell line and column). The upper line is indexed using 1 as the line number. The leftmost column is indexed using 1 as the column number.With Default, the id will be a unique sequentially random if the execution is parallel, or simply sequentially otherwise. With the Use Map Values As keys, the map values will be used to identify the cells in the output table. With the Use Coordinate indexes as Keys, the indexes of map coordinates will be used to identify the cells in the output table.




The table containing the resulting cells has the following format.

Column Name Key or Data? Column Type Description
“Id” Key Real Unique identifier. If the flag “Use Map Values As Keys” is set, the cell value is used as the unique identifier.
“Value” Data Real Cell value
“Line” Data Real Cell line. The upper line is indexed using 1 as the line number.
“Column” Data Real Cell column. The leftmost column is indexed using 1 as the column number.

Internal Name
