Table of Contents

Geographic Interpolation Of Endemism - GIE


Run Geographic Interpolation of Endemism (GIE): analysis for identify Areas of Endemism (AoEs) by species points of occurence. For more details about analysis, see: OLIVEIRA, U.; BRESCOVIT, A. D.; SANTOS, A. J. Delimiting Areas of Endemism through Kernel Interpolation. PLoS ONE. v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-18, 2015.


Name Type Description
Input Occurences csv file Csv file with species occurences (colunms sp, x, y).
Number Of Classes Real Value Type Number of classes of analysis
Value Of Classes String Maximum distance value of each classes of analysis. Values must be separated by @ without space.
Input Mask Map Filename Type The filename of the shape of area of study.
Output folder Folder Folder to save outputs.
Minimum Number Of Sinendemism Real Value Type Minimum number of endemic species of AoEs (sinendemism)
Generate Two Consensus Map Boolean Type Generate Two consensus map (with, and without weight)
Consensus Only With Weight Boolean Type Run consensus with weight
Save Figures Boolean Type Save figures in pdf format
Raster Resolution Real Value Type Define resolution of cells of raster


Name Type Description
Map Categorical Map Map of classes or categories



Internal Name
