Congratulations! You have successfully installed Dinamica EGO 7.3.0!
A full list of what has changed can be found here.
Check the Guidebook to learn the basics about Dinamica EGO.
You can find valuable information consulting the Dinamica EGO wiki.
Watch some videos check some short videos showing how to use some of basic features that Dinamica EGO offers.
Follow Dinamica EGO on twitter to get in touch with the latest news about the software development, updates and training.
Now, take some time to join our discussion group. The Dinamica EGO Discussion Group is a forum, powered by Google Groups, where you can ask questions about Dinamica EGO in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The group also helps you to remain informed about Dinamica EGO updates and news.
If you are having problems running Dinamica EGO, please visit our troubleshooting FAQ. The FAQ is a comprehensive list of solutions and workarounds for several common issues.
It is also possible to download and install the Enhancement Plugin for Dinamica EGO. This plugin can be used to speed up the execution of some Dinamica EGO operators under certain circumstances and it also allows R scripts to be used as part of Dinamica EGO models.