Invalid functor cycles.
Invalid cycles formed by internal input ports of a container and the container content.
Missing input connection.
Incompatibility between null value and cell type.
Cell type can not be used by categorization.
Missing container hooks such as NumberMap, NameMap etc.
Undefined identifiers used by expression.
Invalid operations used in expressions by certain kinds of functors, e.g, line, column and functions nbXXXX use in a CalculateValue.
Definition of the same index by several hooks on the same container (Select's, Calculate's etc).
Warning for Muxes placed directly inside a model script.
Warning about identifiers defined but not used by an expression.
Warning about the possible performance penalty when using some specific cell types.
Warning about editing the feedback port from Muxes.
Warning about Steps whose inputs are connected to some other functor.
Warning about Steps whose inputs are being edited.
Warning about Steps placed outside loop containers.
Warning about carrier outputs not connected to any other functors.
Validation of the parameters of a CreateCubeMap.
Warning about hooks being used outside the appropriate containers.